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Intro to Living Ayurveda & Yoga

  • 23 Steps


An interactive and fun Ayurveda & Yoga program to help you achieve health and wellness whatever your goals may be! Ayurveda is the Science of Life, an ancient holistic health system through lifestyle and diet for your individual mind-body constitution. Ayurveda & Yoga are sister sciences. Ayurveda is the Science of self-healing. Yoga is the Science of self-realization. Combined together, they make a complete health care system. This program provides you with the basic concepts of Ayurveda & Yoga along with tools to put it into practice. It is important to understand these basic principles in order to achieve balance in body, mind and spirit. The program is self-paced. We encourage you to take your time with the material to learn and put into practice the concepts of Ayurveda.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
Ayurveda Health Counseling & Coaching
$99.00/month + $50.00 Intake fee


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